Action Potential

from Data to Action

  • Dendrites Provide High Fidelity Discrimination Between Different Spatial-Temporal Sequences

    Since at least the 1960s brain scientists have thought that nerve cell dendrites may discriminate amongst sequences of signal inputs that vary across time and space but experimental methods were not able to control and measure signals at the very small time (submillisecond) and space (submicron) precision necessary to test the idea.

    New experimental techniques using two-photon glutamate uncaging in identified dendritic spines now enable the idea to be directly investigated. The paper “Dendritic Discrimination of Temporal Input Sequences in Cortical Neurons” published September 24, 2010 issue of Science tests to see if dendrites discriminate between different temporal and spacial input sequences.

    Indeed, the result is yes and some of the specific mechanisms underlying the discrimination are exposed. Impedance along the dendritic shaft was shown to be important and NMDA receptors were shown to be crucial. In fact, the research showed that a large dynamic range provided by NMDA receptor activation enabled high fidelity discrimination between different spatial-temporal sequences whether the input was all on the same dendritic branch or dispersed across the dendritic tree.

    As neuroscientists demonstrate the computational complexity of axon terminals and dendritic trees I expect the focus for those interested in how signal processing is carried out in the brain to move from the neuron to the microstructure known as the neuropil.

  • Predicting Individual Brain Maturity from Functional Imaging

    Wouldn’t it be great if a physician could accurately assess and predict an individual’s brain maturity and development on the basis of a single fMRI scan?

    That’s what researchers set out to provide tools for in the study “Prediction of Individual Brain Maturity Using fMRI” published September 10, 2010 in Science.

    The result was a functional connectivity maturation curve derived from 238 brain scans of healthy 7 to 30 year old people. A physician can know where a patient fits on this curve by computing a functional connectivity maturation index number using the curve’s associated parametric equation from 5 minutes of resting state fcMRI data.

    Overall, the data showed that as a person matures there is a weakening of short range functional connections and a strengthening in long range functional connections. Interestingly, the region with the greatest predictive power for brain maturity was the right anterior prefrontal cortex (see blog post “Are you right? Introspective Accuracy and Individual Differences in Brain Structure“).

    The data predicts that a human brain is fully mature at around 22 years.

    Other related blog posts:

    Are you right? Introspective Accuracy and Individual Differences in Brain Structure

  • Are you right? Introspective Accuracy and Individual Differences in Brain Structure

    Accuracy in introspectively deciding if a correct decision is made is highly variable between individuals according to the research article “Relating Introspective Accuracy to Individual Differences in Brain Structure” published in the September 17, 2010 issue of Science.

    This study measured the accuracy of introspective reporting by 32 healthy people on whether they were right or not. Some performed at close to chance level while others were correct about three quarters of the time.

    Next, the researchers looked for brain structures that correlated with introspective accuracy. They found that the amount of gray matter in the right anterior prefrontal cortex correlated with introspective accuracy.

    It’s exciting to begin looking at consistent variability between individual brains correlated with the output of individual minds! This study suggests that those with certain structural features in the prefrontal area of their brain are better at knowing they are right.