Category: Brain Science

  • Brain Research Using Online Data Repositories: Brain Cell Shape and Function

    Today there continues to be no consensus on the classification of brain cells. Under the microscope there is a broad diversity of brain cell sizes and shapes. Beginning with the classical studies of Ramon y Cajal it’s been suggested that a relationship exists between brain cell shape and function.

    Brain cell classification based on shape has been largely subjective. Recording electrical properties of identified cells has helped to quantify shape and function. Nevertheless, classification schemes vary between the “lumpers” (few different categories) and the “spliters” (many different categories) and everything in between.

    A recent paper attempts to address brain cell classification based on shape by using cell data from the NeuroMorpho online data repository and clustering methods.

    The paper is titled “Investigating the Morphological Categories in the NeuroMorpho Database by Using Superparamagnetic Clustering” by Krissia Zawadzki and colleagues published in the March 15, 2010 issue of arXiv.

    NeuroMorpho is currently the largest online repository of the digital geometric representations of actual brain cells. This repository is an exciting start that could grow many orders of magnitude larger if every scientist is compelled to submit their morphology (cell shape) data at the same time they publish the results in a traditional journal.

    The analysis reported in this paper explored brain cell shape measurements from NeuroMorpho using a classification procedure of statistical physics known as Superparamagnetic Clustering (SPC). SPC is an unsupervised method for clustering. They also used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).

    Their main objective was to compare the obtained clusters with the original classification in the repository and check the agreement with the original categories. My best assessment of their results leads me to conclude that the study was at best inconclusive.

    In my view, studies like this are important for exploring what may or may not provide useful results when analyzing data from large repositories like NeuroMorpho. Publishing negative results is as important as publishing positive results. Let’s hope scientists will publish more of their negative results and do so without necessarily writing them up to sound like positive results.

  • Fingers Elicit Directional Responses in Human Nerve Cells

    Since I recently posted on directional tuning in the rodent whisker system I want to point out that it’s been shown that when human finger tips touch objects they elicit directionally tuned responses in nerve cells carrying the signals to the brain.

    Nearly a decade ago Ingvars Birznieks and colleagues showed that nerve cells carrying signals from human fingertips responded with the maximum number of impulses to a force applied in a particular direction (“Encoding of Direction of Fingertip Forces by Human Tactile Afferents” published in the October 15, 2001 issue of the Journal for Neuroscience).

    A few years later Roland Johansson and Ingvars Birznieks showed that the relative timing of the first nerve impulses traveling to the brain carry reliable information about the direction of force and the shape of the surface contacting the fingertip (“First spikes in ensembles of human tactile afferents code complex spatial fingertip events” published in the February 2004 issue of Nature Neuroscience).

    Other related blog posts:

    Wiggling Whiskers: Directional Tuning

  • Wiggling Whiskers: Directional Tuning

    Brain cells that respond to whisker stimulation in rats have been shown to be tuned to the direction that the whisker is moved. The 30 or so large whiskers on either side of a rat’s snout work together to explore the environment.

    A study published in the January 20, 2010 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience titled “Feedforward Inhibition Determines the Angular Tuning of Vibrissal Responses in the Principal Trigeminal Nucleus” examines directional (angular) tuning responses of brain cells in the first processing station in the brain.

    Two important results of the study were:

    1) directional tuning is may be observed in these brain cells by counting the number of impulses evoked in each direction and observing the direction that evokes the most brain impulses or observing he direction that evokes impulses in the shortest time from when the whisker was moved

    2) inhibition in this first whisker related processing station in the brain sharpens directional tuning.

    The contribution of inhibition in sharpening directional selectivity of whisker (technically vibrissae) responses may prove important for retaining a relatively high degree of directional tuning in the brain. Modulation of inhibition could also enable the brain to dynamically influence the sharpness of directional tuning.

    Showing that directional tuning may be measured by impulse timing is a major contribution of this paper.

    Future posts to this blog will address the significance of these and other findings to the rat’s (and our own) ability to explore objects by touching them.

    Other related blog posts:

    Wiggling Whiskers for a Living?